Martin Ebert

Martin Ebert
Gravestone Marker

Friday 30 December 2011

New York (State) Probate records now on-line

Some of the New York Probate records are now on-line at  To access them:
scroll down to USA, Canada, Mexico (left click)
(wait for it to load completely, then left click on United States in the Place category)
(again wait for it to load and then scroll down to  New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971 and left click)
you may then click on 'learn more' to learn more about this database, or
click on 'Browse through 1,630,900 images'  which then brings up a list of New York counties.

I have looked through some of these records, and unfortunately, have not found any Ebert/Ebert/Everts from the Berne area of Albany, New York.  I did find a will for Jehoeakim Barkly, of Berne, Albany.  I believe he is the Joachim Buercklin/Barckley/Barkly, etc. who married Catharina Oosterman.  He was enumerated in the 1790 US census close to John Ebert (who is possibly our ancestor).
Will for Jehoeakim Barkly reference follows:
New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971 (at
    Albany (County)
    Wills, 1802-1817, v. 3-4  (Collection)
    Image 510 of 599  (image page number) this should get you to the actual image of the will
link which I think should take you to the actual image:
Will of Jehoeakim Barkly 1814 of Berne, Albany, New York

I include this record just for an example of what a will might contain.  I do not, at this time, believe the Barkley family is related to us.  

I hope the above info is understandable.  These records are not indexed, but it saved me ordering numerous films from Salt Lake City by being able to access them at home on my computer.  Once I became familiar with how these records were organized, it became easier to find the info I wanted. 

So far I have checked Albany County for Ebert(none found), Howard(none found), Barkley(some found), Evertse/Evertsen(some found).
Washington County for Waller (some found, no direct ancestors), Hitchcock (some found, no direct ancestors)
Oneida County for Ebert (none found), Butterfield (none found).

Carol Hutchinson

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